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The Nutritional Power of Moringa Oleifera

26 Nov 2024

Moringa is said to provide 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 9 times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas, and 25 times more iron than spinach.”

You might be sceptical about this claim—after all, saying "I just won a lottery worth billions" wouldn't make it true either! But before you dismiss it as just another attention-grabbing gimmick here is another statement: "In 2011, the United Nations acknowledged moringa for its ability to tackle malnutrition and enhance food security, highlighting its significance worldwide." With such impressive benefits, it’s no wonder moringa is celebrated as a nutritional powerhouse, especially in times of crisis. These incredible leaves not only boost our health but also enhance the nutritional resilience of communities around the world.

While winning the lottery is unlikely, the chances that moringa can improve your health are high. Moringa, scientifically known as Moringa oleifera, is as ancient as the pyramids, with uses dating back to Egyptian civilization, where it was considered the food of warriors. It is also known as ‘miracle tree’.

Moringa Oleifera benefits

To begin with, it is reported as a good source of six major nutrients: Carbohydrates, especially dietary fibers, proteins, vitamins, minerals, lipids, and water. This makes it an energy booster.

Several studies have shown that moringa oleifera can also boost our immune system. This magical plant is packed with beneficial compounds like quercetin, glycosides, and isothiocyanates, all known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Research has found that extracts from different parts of moringa can really enhance how our immune system responds.

In one study, researchers discovered that giving moringa regularly led to a noticeable increase in white blood cells and neutrophils, which are crucial for fighting off infections. Its immune boosting property was particularly highlighted during COVID-19.

It is celebrated among the diabetic and hyper-cholestrolemic patients as the green secret of wellness. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, thanks to its high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties. For those with high cholesterol, moringa can potentially lower LDL (bad) cholesterol supporting overall heart health. Additionally, its rich nutrient profile can aid in weight management and enhance general well-being.


Moringa thrives abundantly in Pakistan, as it is native to the lush landscapes of the South Asian region. To fully embrace its incredible benefits, consider Nutrifactor’s Morganica—a fantastic product designed to provide you with a delightful energy boost and enhance your immune health. It is composed of moringa oleifera ‘extract’, which has a higher concentration of active compounds and is more bioavailable because they are specifically designed to enhance absorption as compared to powder. With Moringa’s vibrant potential at your fingertips, you can nourish your body and uplift your well-being!

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